
Raising $10m through TikTok to promote more life and less likes.

app pre-orders
raised within 6-weeks of engagement

LAPSE, the anti-social media startup, wanted to build hype and awareness of their new app available for pre-order to help support their launch and subsequent Series A funding round. They weren’t only launching a new app, but a completely new solution that had little to no awareness in the market, so we devised a strategy that leveraged micro-influencers to produce content with and for us at scale. We ensured that each creator fit within our target audience group, and gave them complete free reign to bring the product to life in a way that would engage and resonate with their audiences. We then used the videos that performed the best organically as paid ads across Meta and TikTok to drive app-preorders. This process allowed us to learn, iterate and optimise quickly, reaching our 3 month objective within 3 weeks.

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